If you are not a citizen of the Czech Republic and you want to buy a firearm (cat. B) from us, you will have to fulfill a number requirements:
- You must hold a valid EU Member State firearms licence and obtain an import permit for the type of firearm you require, from your local police department or other issuing authority.
- The import permit must be officially translated into the Czech language by a certified translator registered in the Czech Republic (not required for Slovakia).
- It is necessary to enter the serial number of the weapon in the import permit. The serial number will be provided to you upon agreement.
- A reservation fee of 50% of the total price of the firearm is required before the sale can take place.
- With the translated import permit, you will come to our shop (Smetanova 173/2, 737 01 Cesky Tesin) to pick up the weapon. Our colleague will then take you to the local police department for an export permit. There is a fee of 800-1000 CZK for the export permit (payment must be made by credit card).
- We need to know the date of your arrival at the shop at least 2 days in advance.
- Once you have done this, you can take your gun home and register it with the relevant authority according to the laws of your country.
With regard to Czech law (Act No. 38/1994 Coll., on Foreign Trade in Military Material, as amended), individual export, import or transit is possible only in the case of firearms that are not considered as military material.
Fully automatic firearms (category A) and automatic firearms that have been modified to be semi-automatic or originally military weapons are considered to be military material. Here are some examples of the firearms that cannot be exported: AKM, AK47, Type 56, Sa vz.58 (CZ 858 Tactical), vz.52/57, vz.54, Sa vz.61 Scorpion, M1 Carbine, FN FAL, Barrett M99, SKS, SVT 40, etc.
Sharp weapons in category B
Holsters for guns and magazines
Black powders guns category D
Floberts in category C
Gas guns category C
Airguns category D
Guns Accessories
Practice ammunition

Original, unused, Czechoslovakian school ammunition. Painted cartridge case, brass primer. Original, unused, Czechoslovakian school ammunition. Painted cartridge case, brass...

Original, unused, Czechoslovakian practice ammunition. Brass cartridge case, brass primer with rubber core.

Original, unused, Czechoslovakian school ammunition. Lacquered cartridge case, brass primer with rubber core.

Educational cutaway of the AK47S rifle. A freely available teaching aid for those aged 18 and over, which was never a weapon, but was made by the manufacturer for educational...


Freely available Hungarian rifle fragmentation grenade for practice shooting with the AMP69 rifle. THE MODEL IS FREELY AVAILABLE AS IT IS NOT AMMUNITION OR AMMUNITION WORKSHOP.

Set of spare CO2 cartridges 12g (9+1 oil)

JBS Diabolo Blue Match Heavy Weight Characteristic: The most popular flat-head diabolle in the range. Sensitively chosen weight makes it suitable for most commonly used...

package composed of 50 pcs targets printed on carton.

Manufacturer: Investarm Type: Percussion gun Model: Hawken 410 Caliber: 45 Barrel Length: 8" Groove Pitch: 1:48" Number of slots: 12 Design: octagonal barrel, walnut...

Producer: DAVIDE PEDERSOLIModel: UnumCaliber: 31Attachment: 9 grains

Producer: DAVIDE PEDERSOLIModel: ZouaveCaliber: 58Attachment: 60 grains