There are 2 main types of bows – compound bows and traditional bows.
Compound bows have cables, cams, and wheels that work in conjunction with powerful limbs to zip arrows downrange at speeds in excess of 300 fps. On top of that, compound bows’ mechanical assistance allows them to have something called let-off – that is to say the amount of effort it takes to hold the bow at full draw is much lower than the effort it takes to get it there. This allows hunters to draw before an animal is so close that any movement is likely to spook them, plus it allows target archers to hold their draw for a long period while they settle their pin on the X-ring and gently squeeze the trigger. If it’s performance, speed, and accuracy you’re looking for, compound bows are the clear winner.
Now, traditional bows don’t have all the fancy bells and whistles – and that is exactly their appeal. Simplicity, tradition, and a fun challenge – these are the things that make traditional bows stand out. Whether you shoot a recurve or a longbow, traditional bows don’t have a lot of moving parts that can fail. They’re little more than a stick and string, giving them an undeniable appeal to those who appreciate the challenge of using equipment that hasn’t changed much over the course of thousands of years. Since there is no let-off with a traditional bow, many traditional archers learn to draw and shoot in a single fluid motion. If you want a lightweight, simple, and dependable bow that is flat-out loads of fun to shoot, a traditional bow should in your future!

Suitable for youth and adults 12 years and older.Universal single fiberglass bow for right and left handed players with accessories. Set includes 2 arrows, fletching, quiver,...

Suitable for children 7-13 years old.Universal single laminate bow for right and left handed children with accessories. Set includes 2 arrows, quiver, quiver, target,...

Suitable for children 4-6 years old.Universal single laminate bow for right and left handed children with accessories. Set includes 2 arrows, quiver, quiver, target,...